What is Fee based and Fiduciary Investment Advisory

We are a “fee only” based Investment-Financial Advisory – meaning, we charge a Fixed Fee and that’s it! There are no hidden commissions from a 3rd party or no fees on selling products. Our Investment-Financial Advisory is also a Fiduciary advisory, which means that client’s interest comes first before ours. Most non fiduciary advisories charge commissions on products or services sales and charge a fee based on total assets. This ends being a lot of fees for financial advice, thus taking away funds from client’s critical retirement assets.

At BlueAris, our commitment to your financial well-being is reflected in our Fee Only and Fiduciary approach. Discover the advantages of a client-centric advisory service that prioritizes your interests over everything else. Let us give you a few examples and some use cases to help you understand how some financial advisories in the Financial Industry charge their fees.

Use Case 1 – Sales of Products for Commissions

A client hires a Financial Advisory that is paid commissions on product sales. The financial advisory is non fiduciary and sells products of a particular financial institution; in return the financial institution compensates the financial advisory with commissions for selling their products. How does this impact the client? In a true fiduciary advisory role, an advisor must suggest the best financial products of any financial institution to its client and must not accept commissions offered by the 3rd party financial institution.

At Blue Aris we are such an organization. Our Financial Advisory doesn’t accept any commissions and are strictly “fee only” based.

Use Case 2 – Charging fee on a percentage basis of total assets

A client hires a financial advisory that charges a fee based on the a percentage of client’s assets. Typically such financial advisories charge 1% or 2% of fees per year on total assets. Imagine John and Kate have a retirement portfolio of $2M – with a fee of 1% charged on a $2M portfolio, would come out at a minimum to be $20,000/Year – which is $1666/month. With 2%, it would be $40,000 per year for a fee of $3333/month. These high fees eat away client’s assets and retirement funds.

At BlueAris, we maintain transparency and fairness by charging a reasonable monthly fixed fee based on the complexity of your assets. This ensures your financial well-being is our top priority, aligning with fiduciary principles. Give BlueAris a call and find out how we can help.

Identifying Fiduciary Advisors

The simple definition of a fiduciary advisor- the interest and well-being of a client comes before anything else. Its important for a client that you specifically ask for if the Registered Investment Advisory(RIA) advisor representative or the firm operates as a Fiduciary when managing your assets. The firm or the advisor must disclose if they are a Fiduciary in writing.

When choosing a financial advisor, always ask for written confirmation of fiduciary status. BlueAris strongly recommends seeking fiduciary advisors, even if you explore other options.

BlueAris’s Value

BlueAris is a “Fee Only” fiduciary advisor. Our financial advisory is strictly operate on “Fee Only” basis and take no commissions on product sales nor do we charge fee based on percentage based on total assets.

Contact us at BlueAris to embark on a journey where your financial goals are achieved, and your peace of mind is safeguarded, regardless of economic conditions.