10 Financial Actions before year end!

It is the end of November and the year is fast coming to an end. Its prudent to take some time to review your personal finances and start 2024 with a solid plan- here are 10 things to consider:

  1. Review your 2023 financial goals. Do an assessment, what was accomplished and what still needs to be done in the remaining thirty days.
  2. Make a note of any life changes. Example, did you buy a new house or your 1st home or did you add a new family member like having or adopting a child or did you go through an unfortunate event such as a divorce. Mark significant event for future planning.
  3. Gather your bank and brokerage statements, do a valuation of your hard assets such as real estate, jewelry or art work to get a better understanding of your total assets.
  4. Get an understanding of your debt. How much student loans were paid and how much balance is left. How much credit card debt is still need to be paid and how much mortgage was paid off – mark down interest rate paid on the debt